Our Road Map

On the Road to Self-Reliance

In all of our dedicated communities, the goal is self-reliance... Your support makes this happen through our Road Maps.

Our ultimate goal is to ensure children and youth can thrive. In order to do this, their community must be self-reliant: able to meet their social and economic needs in a sustainable manner, with dignity.  

At ChildFund, we don't believe in staying in a community forever. In fact, we think the longer we stay, the more likely families are to become dependent on our support. To avoid this, we work closely with community members to develop a unique Road Map that helps them reach a point of self-reliance. 

Learning More

What are Road Maps?

Our Impact

Measuring 'thrive'... How we track our Road Map progress:

As a child-focused organisation, our Road Maps place children and youth at the centre. Each Road Map sets priority targets, identifies what is required, and what the contribution of each stakeholder will be towards achieving the results. Through the years, ChildFund works closely with our partners to track and measure progress against the plans and targets. 

Every year, ChildFund works with our partners to create an annual plan, showing what activities will take place in the community over the next 12 months. At the end of the year, an Annual Report is produced to show how your donations have helped in our dedicated communities.

Every three years, ChildFund takes a high-level look at the impact of our work against the Road Maps and creates a summary report of our progress. We call these our 'thrive' impact reports. 

The phases of our community Road Maps:

1. Co-design the Road Map

ChildFund works with community-based organisations, community members and others to create a robust plan for their future. 

We have developed a comprehensive guidebook to help communities design and implement their own Road Maps.

Read our Guidebook

2. Implement the Projects

Every year, our local partners create a plan of the activities and projects they hope to implement from their Road Maps in the coming 12 months. 

ChildFund supporters help children and youth in our dedicated communities by funding projects through appeals and donations.

Donate to a Project

3. Community Graduation

Once a community has reached a point of self-reliance (approximately 10- to 15-years later), we begin the process of community graduation.

This is when local partners take over ChildFund's work, and we can begin to focus on new places where children need our support.

Upcoming Graduations

Want to learn more about Road Maps? Drop us a note!