Change Creators

Help fund community projects

Become a Change Creator and help our communities reach self-reliance even faster through priority projects.

Our Change Creators are a special group of donors who want to accelerate their impact by donating towards our priority projects every month. Because of the generous support of Change Creators, even more children can thrive. 

Create change your way

As a Change Creator, you tell us how you want your donations to be used.

Become a Change Creator!

Sustainable change

Projects give our partners the ability to address long-term needs.

The communities where we work have each created a Road Map plan, consisting of projects they need to complete in order to achieve self-reliance. 

Our current projects

"So, how does Change Creators work?"

Unlike other monthly giving programmes out there, for $125/month Change Creators allows you to choose how your support makes a difference. Are you passionate about education? Great! You can use your entire donation towards our education projects. How about innovation? Excellent! We can do that. It's all up to you. 

Choose which project areas your donations will help.

When you sign up as a Change Creator, we give you the ability to select the areas where your support will create impact. 

We send your support to our Road Map communities.

Change Creators help us fund our Road Map projects. Your support accelerates our ability to reach community self-reliance.

We report back regularly on how you created change.

Every few months, you'll receive a report about the change you're creating. You then have the choice of where your support will go next.

What's the impact?

Change Creators have done some amazing things.

Over the past few years, we have seen some incredible changes happen in our communities, thanks to our Change Creators.

Our Change Creator Reports