Help children with
a one-time donation.

Help children to thrive today

There are thousands of children who need your support today.

By giving a one-time donation to ChildFund, you're telling the world "I care about vulnerable children!" We address the root causes of poverty by implementing projects in healthcare, education, water and sanitation and child protection. Take a look at all of the ways you can help, and choose how you'd like to make a difference for children. If you're not sure, give us a call on 0800 808 822

Urgently needed

One of the best ways you can help is by directing your donations to the children who need them most.

Donate now

There are many ways to help children to thrive.

In the communities where we work, children struggle to access basic things like education, healthcare, clean water, or even a safe place to play. Your donation today will make all the difference for a child and their family. 

Thank you for your generosity!

Gifts that Grow

Give a meaningful gift this year and help a child smile!

Every year, thousands more children and youth can smile thanks to our Gifts that Grow supporters. Choose a gift and help a child to thrive!

Learn more