Rohingya refugees

You can bring light
to Rohingya refugees...

Help today for 4x the impact!

Just over four years ago, 1 million people ran for their lives as armed gunmen chased them away and set their homes on fire.

Most have witnessed their loved ones being brutally murdered.
All are traumatised. Will you help?

Rohingya children need your help!

Brighten the future for a vulnerable child like Rojina.

Learn more

You will help...

When the light goes on, darkness dissolves.

By supporting our work in Cox's Bazar, you're helping vulnerable Rohingya refugees to access education, life-saving devices, disaster preparedness, psychosocial counselling and child protection programmes.

Give today and have 4x the impact.

Thanks to the support of the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), all donations made towards our life-saving work in Cox’s Bazar will be matched. That means your $100 donation will have $400 worth of impact for Rohingya children and youth.

Please give generously today to have your donation multiplied.

Partnering with MFAT...

We're helping nearly 10,000 Rohingya.

Starting in January 2022, ChildFund and MFAT are partnering to provide humanitarian assistance to children, youth and families in Cox's Bazar.

Learn more

5 years and counting...

ChildFund has been working with Rohingya refugees since 2017.

Donate now!