Your donations make
all the difference.

Help children to thrive today

No matter how you give, you'll help children to thrive through ChildFund.

We have many giving options to meet the unique needs of our supporters. You can choose to give once, or on a monthly basis. Not sure? Take our quiz to see which giving option is right for you

Help children by giving on a monthly basis:

Sponsor a Child

For less than $2/day, help a child and their entire community to thrive. Watch your sponsored child grow up educated, healthy and happy.

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Invest in Future Fund

One of the best ways you can invest $5/month is through our Future Fund, which helps us find new ways to help children far into the future.

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Join Child Essentials

Through Child Essentials, your $20/month donations go to the vulnerable children and youth who are most in need.

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Change Creators

Choose how you create change for $125/month.

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Sponsor a Community

Children living in poverty need someone like you to sponsor their community.

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Gifts that Grow

Give meaningful gifts that help children and youth.

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Help hungry children this Christmas with ChildFund

Our Appeals

Donate to a priority project.

In the communities where we work, children need your help. Donate today and help us address their immediate needs.

Our priorities